Welcome to Engedi Kids

Jesus wants to have a relationship with everyone, regardless of age.

We help kids discover who God is in a fun, exciting, and age appropriate way.

Our Engedi Kids program is for children from birth to 5th grade, with year-round programs and activities.

We teach biblical truths through worship, games, and interactive learning, helping kids love and serve like Jesus. Sunday classes run alongside our main gathering and are identical across campuses.

Our Values

Love God

We love God because He first loved us. We can learn about God in the Bible and talk to Him in prayer.

Serve Others

Jesus serves us, so we serve others. We serve others by loving our family and helping our neighbors.

Tell the World

Jesus wants to have a relationship with everyone, everywhere. We tell the world by giving, serving, and praying for people who don’t know Jesus.

Watch Online

Engedi Kids wants to do everything we can to support your family when you can’t attend church in person. Check out below for all the tools and resources you need to do church at home with your kids!

Join our kids team!

Whether you have a heart for babies and toddlers, or preschoolers and elementary students, you can be a part of shaping the next generation!

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